Saturday, December 28, 2019

These are the 10 most boring states in America for 2018

These are the 10 fruchtwein boring states in America for 2018These are the 10 fruchtwein boring states in America for 2018Parties on the beach.Bars open all night.Something to do every second of the day.Youll find none of those things in the states we are talking about today - the most boring states in America.These are the states where your grandpa will fit right in talking about how life used to be back in the slower, good ol days of their youth.And before you go thinking we mean this as some kind of insult, let us assure you that wed be happy to pack up and move to Idaho - the most boring state - so we can work on our data analysis all day without all these crazy kids running around.If only our husbands and wives would let us.So without further ado, heres a look at the most boring states in AmericaClick to enlargeIdahoSouth DakotaNebraskaWyomingKansasIowaUtahMontanaMinnesotaMaineLike we mentioned, Idaho wins the bridge tournament for 2018 coming in as the most boring state in A merica. Turns out most of the state is married people with kids that like potatoes.Dont quote us on the last part, but feel free to read on to learn more about our methodology and for details on the top ten.How we determined the most boring states in the U.S. for 2018When it comes to understanding whats boring, whats better than a bunch of data nerds that geek out to the latest release of Labor Statistics data, right?Coming in with that perspective, we basically just had to figure out what people tease us about around the office to understand what makes us boring - old married people with kids in the burbs (For example, Im an 80-year-old grandpa stuck in a 31-year-olds body).We then went to where else but our second favorite data platzdeckchen, the Census Bureaus most recent American Community Survey data spanning from 2012-2016 to look up the following boring criteria that maps to the adjectives abovePercent of the population over 60 (Higher is more boring)Percent of the populatio n over 15 that is married (Higher is more boring)Percent of households with kids (Higher is more boring)Population density (Lower is more boring)Still awake or have we bored you to death yet?If youre still here, after we collected the data we ranked each state from 1 to 50 on each of the four criteria where 1 was the most boring. Next, we averaged the four rankings into a Boring Score with the lowest Boring Score being, you guessed it, the most boring.Any ties went to the smaller state.Its always good when data matches your intuition and it turned out that Idaho is the most boring state in the union for 2018.Read on to see why exactly Idaho is the perfect spot if youre me.1. IDAHOPopulation1,635,483A quick Google search of Idaho stereotypes lands you on articles that go into detail about how about State Senators live intrailerparks and that Idahoans eat meat and potatoes. You know, boring stuff.Our data ranked Idaho as having the second highest percentage of married people (Behind o nly Utah which well get to later) and a seventh-place finish for both density and households with kids.So you know where people in Idaho do get their excitement from down on the farm ??2. SOUTH DAKOTAPopulation851,058There are two things I knew about South Dakota before I startedwritingthis article - its home to Mount Rushmore and its south of North Dakota.After writing this article, I now know that thats basically all there is to know about South Dakota.Yeah, pretty boring (Unless you like the outdoor rugged lifestyle of the Badlands. Then its not so boring).3. NEBRASKAPopulation1,881,259You can think of Nebraska as Idaho lite - basically the same ranking factors landed it here, but with oh so slightly more excitement.The craziest thing that happens in Nebraska occurs when you make a big bowl of chili and pair it with acinnamon roll. Because how more Midwest can you get than that?To be fair, I would definitely try it.4. WYOMINGPopulation583,029Theres literally nothing to do in Wy oming - the second least densely populated state in America to a vast tundra of ice that is Alaska.And while Im using the term literally to mean figuratively, Wyoming does have a ton of weddings (3rd highest rate) and plenty of cowboys.But when you measure the distance between places in hours instead of miles, you know youre probably going to get bored eventually.5. KANSASPopulation2,898,292Based entirely on my mental map of America, it seems that the more rectangle shaped a state, the more boring it is. Kansas for example, is a rectangle and it has four points of boring.Id read off the stats, but they are boring me - all these Midwest states are essentially the same shade of dull.So instead lets talk about the most exciting thing happening in Kansas - the BBQ. Yes please.6. IOWAPopulation3,106,589Oh man, the first slight change in thestatisticsbehind why a state should end up in the top ten Iowa isnt boring because its all married people with kids (although there are a fair numb er of those).No, Iowa is boring because drum roll its oldWell, old is relative as its older than the vast majority of the top ten, but not like oldest people in America old (Thats Florida for those playing at home).7. UTAHPopulation2,948,427Utah sticks out like a sore thumb in our set of the top ten most boring states in America. Not because of the shape of the state - its basically a box with a chimney - but because of the criteria that landed it in the top ten.It turns out that Utah has the fewest percentage of people over 60 in America.BUTIt has the highest percentage of households with children and the highest percentage of married people in America.There are so many households with kids that the distance between Utah and second place Texas is the same as the distance between Texas and 20th placed Wyoming.Thats a lot of people doing nothing on weekends but going to museums and church.8. MONTANAPopulation1,023,391As excited as I was to write that blurb about Utah, Montana broug ht me right back down to snoozeville.Montana is full of old people. Like basically Florida level of old people, mixed with nothing to do.Its like if you moved Florida to the middle of America and gave everyone a ranch instead of a condo on the beach.9. MINNESOTAPopulation5,450,868Theres a saying inmedicinethat a test can come back as unremarkable and thats a good thing - for example a brain scan.Minnesota took our boring test and came back unremarkable. Thats kind of impressive when you think about it for a quick second.The North Star state was slightly more boring than average for each criterion without being overwhelmingly boring in any.10. MAINEPopulation1,329,923Well hey now, we have arrived at a coast for first time on our tour of the most boring states in America.And while we may be on the coast, its not really one of those coastal states youd ever really see in the news.Maine is home to the second oldest percent of the population over 60 in America and surprisingly, to me at least, the fewest percent of households with kids.So now I picture Maine as just a bunch of old people living in cabins eating lobster.Winding down after that super exciting list of boring statesWell, we hope that you enjoyed reading a list of the most boring states in America.That kind of sounds like it shouldnt be possible.Heres to settling down with the kiddos at bedtime, reading a book, and putting to rest the argument of the most boring state in America.Detailed rankings of the most boring statesStateRankIdaho1South Dakota2Nebraska3Wyoming4Kansas5Iowa6Utah7Montana8Minnesota9Maine10Colorado11Alaska12Arkansas13New Hampshire14Oklahoma15Oregon16Washington17North Dakota18WestVirginia19Wisconsin20Vermont21Arizona22Texas23Missouri24New Mexico25Nevada26Hawaii27Kentucky28Virginia29Tennessee30Indiana31North Carolina32New Jersey33Connecticut34Michigan35Alabama36South Carolina37Mississippi38Ohio39Georgia40Pennsylvania41Delaware42California43Illinois44Florida45Maryland46Louisiana47Massachu setts48Rhode Island49New York50This article first appeared on Zippia.

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